Dirtiest Places In The Office Revealed

Dirtiest Places In The Office Revealed

Ever wonder what the dirtiest places are in the office? Just because your workplace "looks" spotless doesn't mean that it's free of germs. On the contrary, the average office is riddled with millions upon millions of germs. But some areas are a haven for germs, featuring significantly higher concentrations if microbial organisms than others. So let's take a look at some of the biggest sources of germs on the office.


It should come as little-to-no surprise that keyboards are a top source of germs. Each time a worker presses a key, he or she is spreading germs to the keyboard. Furthermore, it's not uncommon for workers to eat while typing, resulting in small crumbs falling between the keys.

Vending Machines

You might want to think twice before using the office vending machine, because a recent study found the button panels on these machines to have one of the highest concentrations of germs. Very few workers actually wash their hands before using a vending machine. Heck, even I'm guilty of this. Unfortunately, this results in germs being caked on the button panel -- germs that end up spreading to other workers when they touch it.


Telephones have become an integral means of communication for businesses. According a to recent study, though, the average workplace telephone contains upwards of 25,000 microbes per square inch of space! That's a pretty disturbing statistic considering the fact that a toilet seat only has 50 microbes per square inch. You can reduce the spread of germs by cleaning the telephone with a sanitizing wipe before using it.

Sink Faucet

When you are finished washing your hands in the bathroom, chances are you immediately touch the sink faucet to turn it off. Why is this a problem? Well, you are exposing your clean hands to germs once again, negating the benefits of washing them. Here's a simple tip that will help prevent the spread of germs: turn off the sink faucet with paper towel, and use this same paper towel to open the door before tossing it in the trash.

Water Fountains

Another all-too-common source of germs in the workplace is the water fountain. Sitting water is a prime source of germs, regardless of where it's located. As small amounts of water remain stagnant in and around the water fountain, germs begin to thrive. There's really no safe way to use a water fountain without exposing yourself to germs, which is why it's a good to bring your own beverages instead of using the communal fountain in your office.

Jun 30th 2015

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