Did You Know? How Cold Weather Affects Your Health

Did You Know? How Cold Weather Affects Your Health

Cold weather isn't just uncomfortable; it can take a toll on your health. When working or otherwise spending time outdoors during the winter, you should bundle up. Warm clothing will insulate your body so that you are better protected against the cold winter weather. Neglecting to do so could result in the following health effects.

Increased Risk of Heart Attack

Exposure to cold weather can increase your risk of heart attack. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), more heart attacks occur in December than any other month of the year. When exposed to cold weather, the blood vessels in your body will contract. They will become narrower while subsequently restricting the blood flow and raising your blood pressure. The end result is an increased risk of heart attack.

Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are more likely to occur in cold weather. Water, of course, freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the ambient temperature drops to 32 degrees or below, water will turn to ice. Any water that's lingering on the ground will freeze, thereby creating a slip-and-fall hazard. You may slip and fall while walking on the ice, resulting in bodily injury.

Dry Skin

Many people experience dry skin during the winter. Winter is characterized by both low temperatures and low humidity levels, both of which promote dry skin. The cold, low-humid air pulls moisture from the skin, leaving it dry and itchy. Additionally, cold weather can also lead to increased use of heating systems that further dries out the air. To help prevent dry skin during cold weather, it's important to stay hydrated, avoid long, hot showers or baths, and consider using a humidifier.

Decreased Physical Activity

There's a correlation between activity levels and the weather. When it's warm outside, you may spend more time exercising than when it's cold outside. Winter weather essentially promotes decreased physical activity, which can have a myriad of other negative effects on your health.

Immune System Suppression

Exposure to cold weather can suppress your immune system. Cold and flu infections aren't limited to the winter season; people can catch these viral infections year-round. Nonetheless, they are more common during the winter because of the way in which cold weather affects the immune system.

Your body's immune system will become weaker in cold weather. Studies have shown that exposure to cold weather specifically weakens immunity in the nose. This is why respiratory infections like the cold and flu are more common during the winter.

Feb 9th 2023

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