California  Issues Warning About Dangers of Cellphone Radiation

California Issues Warning About Dangers of Cellphone Radiation

Roughly 95% of Americans own a cellphone, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. Cellphones have become so common, in fact, that many people rely on them for work, transportation and other essential daily tasks. But there's a hazard associated with cell phones that often goes unnoticed: radiation.

It's a little-known fact that cellphones emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic field (EMF). This isn't limited strictly to cellphones; all electronic devices emit EMF radiation. However, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is sounding the alarm over cellphone radiation by issuing new guidelines to help residents minimize expose to the potentially harmful waves.

As explained by Forbes, researchers from the CPDH have released new guidelines regarding cellphone radiation in response to several recent studies. Other studies have shown a link between exposure to cellphone usage and increased rates of bran cancer and tumors, specifically of the acoustic nerve and salivary gland. While the risk increase was minor, researchers believe there's a very real possibility that cellphone usage can increase a person's risk of developing cancer. 

According to University of California researcher Joel Moskowitz, cellphone manufacturers have their own guidelines regarding the appropriate distance at which you should use a cellphone. Generally speaking, the closer the cellphone is to your body, the greater the risk of radiation illness. Therefore, you should try to get into the habit of keeping your cellphone away from your body body.

"The cellphone manufacturers want you to keep a minimum distance away from your body and you should find out what that distance is,” said University of California researcher Joel Moskowitz in an interview with news station KCRA. “If you keep the device by your body you will exceed the safety limits provided by the FCC.”

Does this mean that using a cellphone will cause cancer? Not necessarily, as the risk increase is minor. However, the CDPH recommends the following tips to minimize radiation exposure when using a cellphone:

  • Keep your cellphone away from your body when possible.
  • Avoid using your cellphone when the signal is weak (weak signals release more radiation).
  • Minimize use of streaming video or audio.
  • Don't sleep with your cellphone next to your heat.
  • Avoid wearing headsets connected to your cellphone.
  • Avoid using products that claim to block or restrict radiation.
Dec 18th 2017

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