Are You Consuming Too Much Sugar?

Are You Consuming Too Much Sugar?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average American consumes upwards of 170 pounds of sugar pet year! This translates into roughly 77 grams per day, which is far greater than the 30ish grams recommended by most health professionals.

The shocking truth about sugar is that it's found in far more foods and drinks than most people realize. It's no secret that sodas are filled with sugar, as a typical 12-ounce can of cola may contain as much as 40 grams of refined sugar. But sugar is found in far more food and drinks, some of which include ketchup, salad dressing, pizza sauce, baked beans, and even dinner rolls. So even if you "think" you are limiting your daily sugar consumption to a normal level, you could be consuming far more than you realize.

So, what's the issue with sugar and why is it so bad for your health? Sugar affects nearly every organ and major system in the body -- and not in a good way. It can increase your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, and obesity. Refined sugar has also been shown to inhibit the body's immune system, reducing its ability to ward off infectious disease.

According to amateur filmmaker David Gamaeu, sugar is found in nearly 75% of the foods we eat. That's a pretty shocking amount that attests to the growing problem of refined sugars.

"Not many people realize just how pervasive sugar is in the food supply. It's now found in about 75 percent of the foods we eat,” said Damon Gameau, director of That Sugar Film, a documentary chronicling the dangerous effects of sugar. "After twelve days I had put on about 5 pounds, and then after 18 days I had started to develop fatty liver disease."

So, how can you cut back on your intake of refined sugars? First and foremost, avoid drinking sodas. Drinking just a single can of soda can drastically increase your sugar intake, and don't assume that so-called "diet" sodas are any better. Studies have shown that people who drink diet sodas on a regular basis experience many of the same health problems as regular soda drinkers.

Aug 5th 2015

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