Are Spicy Foods Good for Your Health?

Are Spicy Foods Good for Your Health?

Do you enjoy eating spicy foods? Well, you aren't alone. Millions of people regularly consume spicy foods as part of their daily diet. While many people enjoy the burning sensation associated with spicy foods, though, it could offer some surprising health benefits.

The Health Benefits of Spicy Foods

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College Cardiology, people who consume chili peppers at least four days of the week are 23% less likely to die from all causes than their counterparts who either don't consume chili peppers or consume them less frequently. Furthermore, researchers found that people who consumed chili peppers four or more days of the week were 34% less likely to die from heart disease than their counterparts.

How exactly are spicy foods able to lower your risk of death? Researchers attribute the health-boosting benefits of spicy foods to a specific compound known as capsaicin. Capsaicin occurs naturally in virtually all chili peppers. In the study, researchers found a correlation between capsaicin consumption and mortality rates. The more capsaicin a person consumed, the lower his or her risk of mortality.

How Capsaicin Affects Your Health

Capsaicin can affect your health in several ways. It's been shown to reduce blood pressure, for example, thereby lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke. Statistics show nearly three in 10 Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Also known as hypertension, it's an underlying risk factor for heart disease.

Not only does help to regulate blood pressure levels; capsaicin has also been shown to help control cholesterol levels. It works to flush arterial buildup, thereby lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood flow.

Capsaicin even has anti-inflammatory properties. When consumed, the naturally occurring spice compound will reduce inflammation in your body. Inflammation, of course, is often associated with a variety of chronic diseases, including heart disease. If inflammation goes unchecked in your body, it may raise your risk of heart disease. With capsaicin-rich spices in your diet, though, you can lower your risk of heart disease while improving your overall health in the process.

Choosing Spicy Foods: What You Should Know

Because the health-boosting benefits of spicy foods are attributed to capsaicin, you should choose spicy foods high in this compound. As previously mentioned, nearly all chili peppers contain capsaicin. With that said, however, some contain higher levels of this health-boosting compound than others.

If you're looking to reap the benefits of spicy foods, choose foods high in capsaicin. Jalapenos, cayenne peppers and chili peppers are all loaded in capsaicin.

Dec 17th 2019

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