Are Electronic Cigarettes Really a Safe Alternative To Smoking?

Are Electronic Cigarettes Really a Safe Alternative To Smoking?

The smokeless nicotine delivery devices known as electronic cigarettes have been growing in popularity at an alarming rate. Sales of e-cigs and related accessories topped $1 billion in 2013, and analysts predict this number to rise even higher in the years to come. But are electronic cigarettes safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes?

Many people view e-cigs as a safer nicotine alternative to smoking. Since these devices work on the principle of heating liquid nicotine (referred to as e-liquid) just enough to create a mist-like vapor, there's no actual combustion taking place; therefore, there are reportedly far fewer chemicals being created when an individual uses an e-cig.

E-Cigs May Result In Nicotine Poisoning

One of the concerns among e-cig critics is the potential for nicotine poisoning. The nicotine-rich e-liquid vials may be accidentally consumed by small children, placing them at serious risk for nicotine toxicity. It only takes a very small amount of e-liquid to overdose, which is arguably the biggest concern critics and government officials have with electronic cigarettes.

"More than half (51.1 percent) of the calls to poison centers due to e-cigarettes involved young children under age 5, and about 42 percent of the poison calls involved people age 20 and older," wrote the CDC on their website.

E-Cigs Could Lead To Smoking

Another criticism regarding e-cigs is that using them could lead to smoking. If a non-smoker enjoys using an e-cig, then perhaps he or she would try regular cigarettes as a result. This notion is flawed, however, since studies typically reveal the opposite is happening: more smokers are trading in their tobacco cigarettes for e-cigs.

Adverse Effects Reported With E-Cigs

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) recently proposed a set of new rules in an effort to regulate the electronic cigarette industry. As it currently stands, the e-cig industry is a wild west of sorts, as there's very little regulation in this new yet massively popular market. The FDA hopes to change this by laying down some ground rules, such as banning sales to minors under the age of 18, prohibiting companies from offering free samples, and banning indoor use of e-cigs.

The FDA also notes that the following "adverse health effects" have been linked to e-cig use:

  • Hypertension
  • Pneumonia
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Seizure
  • Disorientation

Do you think electronic cigarettes are safer than tobacco cigarettes? Let us know in the comments section below!

May 4th 2014 Safety Jane

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