An Introduction to the Different Classes of Safety Vests

An Introduction to the Different Classes of Safety Vests

When shopping for a safety vest, you should consider the class. All safety vests are designed to increase visibility. They typically feature a reflective material as well as bright colors. But there are different classes of safety vests based on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Familiarizing yourself with the differences between class 1, class 2 and class 3 safety vests will allow you to choose the right one.

Class 1 Safety Vests

At the bottom of the ANSI specification totem pole is class 1. Class 1 safety vests must have at least 155 square inches of reflective material -- in the form of tape -- and an orange or yellow background. They are inexpensive and readily available. With that said, class 1 safety vests offer the least amount of visibility. Depending on your job, you may want to choose a class 2 or class 3 safety vest.

Class 2 Safety Vests

Class 2 safety vests offer more visibility than class 1 safety vests but less visibility than class 3 safety vests. According to the ANSI specification, they must feature at least 201 square inches of reflective tape in 2-inch-wide bands. Class 2 safety vests must also feature reflective stripes that run horizontally across the waist and vertically over the shoulders.

Class 3 Safety Vests

Class 3 safety vests offer the greatest amount of visibility. They must feature at least 310 square inches of reflective tape in 2-inch-wide bands. Like class 2 safety vests, they must also feature reflective stripes. But these reflective stripes must run over the waist, shoulders and arms.

Which Class Is Right for You?

You might be wondering which safety vest class is right for you. ANSI classes for safety vests represent visibility. Class 1 safety vests offer the least amount of visibility. Class 3 safety vests offer the greatest amount of visibility. Class 2 safety vests fall somewhere in the middle.

Some jobs require greater visibility than others. If you're working outdoors at night, for example, you may want to choose a class 2 or class 3 safety vest. Both of these vests will make you more visible to motorists than class 1 safety vests.

It's important to note that class 3 safety vests are available in half-sleeve and full-sleeve styles. Class 1 and class 2 safety vests, on the other hand, are only available in sleeveless styles. If you prefer wearing sleeves, you'll need to stick with a class 3 safety vest.

Oct 12th 2022

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