Allergic Dermatitis: How to Deal With Skin Allergies

Allergic Dermatitis: How to Deal With Skin Allergies

Do you suffer from allergic dermatitis? You aren't alone. It's one of the most common types of allergies from which men and women suffer. Allergic dermatitis is essentially a skin allergy. Research shows that between 5% to 10% of the U.S. population has allergic dermatitis. If you're among this group, you should consider the following tips to find relief.

Choose Clothes Made of Hypoallergenic Fabrics

The clothes you wear can affect your susceptibility to allergic dermatitis. Clothes, of course, are made of different fabrics. Some of these fabrics are more likely to trigger an allergy attack than others. Hypoallergenic fabrics are defined by their low risk for triggering an allergy attack. By choosing clothes made of hypoallergenic fabrics, you'll be better protected against allergic dermatitis.

Examples of hypoallergenic fabrics include the following:

  • Cotton
  • Linen
  • Hemp

Choose Fragrant-Free Shampoo and Conditioner

Another tip for dealing with skin allergies is to choose fragrant-free shampoo and conditioner. Many of these hair products contain fragrances. While the presence of a fragrance makes them smell nice, you shouldn't use a shampoo or conditioner if it contains a fragrance. Fragrances often consist of several synthetic chemicals, some of which can cause allergy attacks. By choosing fragrant-free shampoo and conditioner, you'll be less likely to experience an allergy attack like hives or skin rashes.

Use a Topical Anti-Itch Cream

Most instances of allergic dermatitis cause itching. When you experience an allergy attack with your skin, you'll become itchy. The itching can be minor or severe. Regardless, you find relief through the application of a topical anti-itch cream. There are many topical anti-itch creams available over the counter. In addition to moisturizing your skin, they'll reduce the itching sensation associated with allergic dermatitis.

Install a Humidifier

If you suffer from allergic dermatitis, you should consider installing a humidifier in your home. Skin allergies are more likely to occur in dry air than moist and humid air. A humidifier will increase your home's humidity level so that you are better protected against allergy attacks with your skin.

Know Your Triggers

While there are different types of allergic dermatitis, they all have at least one trigger. A trigger is an allergen that, as the name suggests, triggers an allergy attack with your skin. If your skin is exposed to a particular allergen, you may break out in hives or a rash in that area of your skin. The most effective way to prevent allergy attacks is to know your triggers. By knowing your triggers, you can avoid them.

Mar 11th 2021

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