5 Safety Tips to Follow When Riding a Bicycle
Riding a bicycle isn't just fun; it's good for your health. As a form of aerobic exercise, it will strengthen your heart while lowering your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, nearly a half-million bicycle-related injuries occur each year in the United States. Whether for commuting or leisure, you can still ride a bicycle, but you should follow these five safety tips to lower your risk of inju
Aug 11th 2020
What Are Lost-Time Injuries (LTIs)?
While work-related injuries have declined over the past few decades, millions of workers are still injured in any given year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that some 7 million U.S. workers are injured each year. Of course, some work-related injuries are more severe than others. While workers often sustain minor injuries like sprains and bruises, severe injuries can and do occur. Lost-time injuries (LTIs), for example, are typically severe because they force workers to take time of
Aug 10th 2020
5 Safety Tips When Working in the Rain
If your job requires you to work outdoors, there's a good chance you'll encounter rainy weather. Rainy days are inevitable. When the skies begin to darken, though, you should take a few extra precautions to stay safe. Regardless of the industry in which you work, rain can increase the risk of many common injuries. By following these five safety tips, you can lower your risk of injury when working in the rain.#1) Non-Slip FootwearWearing non-slip footwear can lower your risk of injury when workin
Aug 6th 2020
Vitamin D: How to Increase Your Intake of Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays an important role in a healthy immune system. Research has shown that people with sufficient vitamin D levels suffer from fewer infections than their counterparts with lower levels of this otherwise essential nutrient. With that said, it's estimated that nearly half of the U.S. population suffers from a vitamin D deficiency, meaning they don't get enough of this nutrient. If you're among this crowd, you should consider the following tips to increase your vitamin D intake.Eat More
Aug 5th 2020
What Is an Emergency Eyewash Station?
Eye injuries are a common occurrence in the workplace. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), over 20,000 workers sustain an eye injury each year in the United States. While many work-related injuries involve protrusion from shrapnel, others involve exposure to chemicals. Eyes are sensitive, and when exposed to various chemicals, they can become damaged. There are emergency eyewash stations available, however, to protect workers from chemical-related eye injuries.Overview of Eme
Aug 3rd 2020