5 Safety Tips When Using a Gas Fireplace
Is your home equipped with a gas fireplace? When compared to wood-burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces offer a superior level of convenience. You won't have to gather or store firewood, nor will you have to manually light it. You can build a fire almost instantly by turning the knob that controls the pilot light. If you're going to use a gas fireplace this winter, though, you should follow these five safety tips.#1) Avoid WoodGas fireplaces aren't compatible with wood. They are designed specifical
Dec 8th 2020
How to Protect Against Mold Growth in the Workplace
Is there mold growing in your workplace? Assuming you work in a building or other closed space, there's probably mold present. Mold is all around us. Consisting of fungal colonies, it quickly spreads in moist and humid environments. While short-term exposure to small concentrations of mold typically won't have any ill effect on your health, you should still strive to avoid mold. How can you protect against mold growth in your workplace exactly?Circulate the AirIncreasing air circulation in your
Dec 7th 2020
Essential Safety Tips to Follow When Trimming Trees
Does your job involve cutting down or otherwise trimming trees? If so, you should take a few precautions to protect yourself from injury. Research shows that nearly 600 people died from tree trimming-related accidents from 2009 to 2015. By following a few essential safety tips, you can protect yourself from injury.Avoid Power LinesYou should avoid power lines when trimming trees. Depending on where a tree is located, there may be one or more power lines nearby. If the tree falls over on one of t
Dec 3rd 2020
5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Ladder
Are you looking to buy a new ladder? If so, you'll need to choose the right type. A ladder offers an easy way to access objects and areas at tall heights that would otherwise not be possible. There are many different types of ladders, however. Below are five important things to consider when choosing a ladder.#1) MaterialNot all ladders are made of the same material. Some of them are made entirely of wood, whereas others are made of metal. Metal ladders, not surprisingly, are typically preferred
Dec 2nd 2020
Don't Let Lack of Sleep Place You at Risk for Work-Related Injuries
What's the one thing that everyone needs yet most people don't get enough of? It's sleep. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that adults need at least seven hours of restful sleep at night. Most people, of course, fall short of meeting this recommendation. While lack of sleep can obviously affect your energy levels, another side effect is an increased risk of work-related injuries.The Connection Between Lack of Sleep and Work-Related InjuriesWorkers who don't get en
Nov 30th 2020