Why You Can't Ignore Leaky Air Ducts in the Workplace
Does your workplace have leaky air ducts? Air ducts are an essential component of a commercial heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system. Consist of hollow tube-like conduits, they are used to distribute the conditioned air throughout the building in which are installed. But air ducts can leak. Neglecting to fix your workplace's leaky air ducts can lead to the following problems.Higher Heating and Cooling CostsYou can expect to pay more in heating and cooling costs if your workplace has lea
Feb 7th 2023
Understanding the Parts of a Hand Planer
Hand planers are used in a variety of woodworking applications. Also known as a surfacer, it features a blade attached to the bottom of a block. You can run a hand planer over the surface of a workpiece to shave wood off the workpiece. While they are simple and easy to use, however, hand planers feature several different parts.BladeAll hand planers have a blade. The cutting blade is found underneath the hand planer. It runs perpendicular to the body of the hand planer, with the sharp end of the
Feb 2nd 2023
The Little-Known Benefits of Stress Management
Do you regularly feel stressed? You aren't alone. Research shows that about one-third of all adults suffer from chronic stress. Rather than allowing it to dictate your life, however, you should manage it. Stress management offers several benefits. While you may already know some of the benefits of stress management, others may surprise you.Improved SleepYou'll probably sleep better by managing your stress. Stress is characterized by the release of chemicals in the body. Cortisol is the body's pr
Feb 1st 2023
What Are Full-Brim Hard Hats?
When shopping for hard hats, you may come across full-brim hard hats. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that over 68,000 workers sustain a head injury in any given year. Some head injuries are minor, but others are more severe. Full-brim hard hats are designed to protect workers from head injuries. What are full-brim hard hats exactly, and how do they differ from other hard hats?Overview of Full-Brim Hard HatsFull-brim hard hats are a form of personal protective equipment (PPE). The
Jan 30th 2023
Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss: How to Choose Ear Bands
Do you work in a noisy environment? Prolonged exposure to loud noise is a major risk factor for hearing loss. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 12% of workers in the United States suffer from some degree of hearing loss. With ear bands, however, can lower your risk of occupational hearing loss.What Are Ear Bands?Ear bands are a form of hearing protection. As their name suggests, they feature a band. Most ear bands consist of a pair of earplugs that are connec
Jan 26th 2023