Oranges Linked to Lower Risk of Macular Degeneration
Eating an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but eating oranges could protect you from macular degeneration -- at least that's what researchers are saying. According to a new study conducted by researchers from the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, people who eat oranges on a regular basis have a lower risk of developing macular degeneration than their counterparts who rarely or ever consume this citrus fruit.Affecting about 6.2 million people worldwide, macular degeneration is a medic
Jul 8th 2018
Long Work Weeks Associated With Increased Risk of Anxiety and Depression
How many hours do you work in a given week? Statistics show that the average American works for roughly 34.4 hours per week. Of course, some people work even longer, pulling 50 or more hours per week. While clocking overtime may sound enticing, though, you should consider its health effects. There's new evidence suggesting that working long work weeks increases the risk of several health conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD and even diabetes.Published in the medical journal BMJ Open D
Jul 3rd 2018
OSHA Launches New Online Chemical Database
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has launched a new online database consisting of chemicals and their respective information. From research and development to pharmaceutical and manufacturing, countless companies use chemicals in their daily operations. If appropriate safeguards are not taken when storing and handling these chemicals, however, it may lead to injury or illness. This is exactly what OSHA is hoping to prevent with its new online database.Available at https:/
Jul 2nd 2018
Does Air Pollution Increase the Risk of Diabetes?
That's what some experts believe. In recent years, health professionals have sounded the alarm regarding the potential health effects of air pollution. As airborne particulate matter continues to increase, there's a growing concern for increased rates of disease and illness. Now, there's new evidence suggesting that air pollution contributes to diabetes.Statistics show that roughly 30.3 million Americans -- 9.4% of the population -- suffers from type 1 diabetes. Characterized by the body's inabi
Jul 2nd 2018
OSHA Partners With ISEA to Form Alliance
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has partnered with the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) to create new educational and training resources on workplace safety. The two organizations say they will provide workers and employers with information on how to choose the right personal protective equipment (PPE) for their respective workplace and jobs.For the next two years, OSHA and ISEA will work together to provide workers and employers with information about P
Jun 26th 2018