6 Ways to Be More Productive at Work

6 Ways to Be More Productive at Work

Statistics show that the average worker is only productive for three out of eight hours in a typical day. Unfortunately, this low level of productivity takes a toll on companies. Regardless of the industry in which you work, however, there are ways to improve your productivity, including the six strategies listed here.

#1) Get Sufficient Sleep

Lack of sleep and low productivity go hand in hand. If you don't get enough sleep at night, you'll wake the following morning feeling tired and exhausted, which is reflected in your work. Studies even show that people who don't get enough sleep become exhausted 11% more quickly than their counterparts.

#2) Work Smarter, Not Harder

What does it mean to work smarter and not harder? It means that you should choose the most efficient and effective way to perform a task. Manually lifting and carrying a large load from one end of the warehouse to the other, for example is highly exhaustive. A more efficient solution is to use a forklift or similar equipment.

#3) Create a To-Do List

Try to get into the habit of creating a to-do list of your workday the night prior. By writing down your work-related tasks, you'll know exactly what you need to do the following workday. This also gives the opportunity to prioritize your tasks according to level of importance.

#4) Spend Less Time in Meetings

You'll can spend more time working by cutting down on your meetings. According to Fast Company, the average tech executive spends nearly one-third of his or her work time in meetings. When you're stuck in meetings all day, you won't be able to work on what really matters. You don't have to avoid meeting altogether, but you should limit the amount of time you spend participating in them.

#5) Limit Multitasking

Some workers are guilty of trying to juggle a dozen or more tasks simultaneously, believing this will increase their work output. In reality, though, multitasking usually has the opposite effect: it lowers your work output. When you're performing multiple tasks simultaneously, you'll lose your concentration and produce less work as a result.

#6) Use Productivity Tools

Finally, you should leverage the power of productivity tools in your workplace. From email and cloud computing to machines and automated equipment, the right productivity tools can make a world of difference in your work output.

Feb 28th 2018

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