6 Tips to Lower Your Risk of Back Injury

6 Tips to Lower Your Risk of Back Injury

Back pain is a common condition that nearly everyone will experience at some point during their lifetime. In fact, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) says it's the single leading cause of worker disability. With more than half of Americans experiencing back pain in any given year, it's important for workers to take precautions to protect their back from injury. So, what can you do to keep your back healthy and pain free?

#1) Lift with Your Legs

If you work in a job that requires you to lift, follow the golden rule of "lifting with your legs, not your back." Bending over to lift an object forces the spine into an unnaturally curved position. In some cases, nothing bad will happen. In others, you may tear a muscle or supporting ligament. Whether it's a heavy or lightweight object, always lift by bending your knees to pick it up.

#2) Take Standing Breaks

Not all back injuries occur in laborious jobs; some occur in desk jobs. This is particularly true for workers who are forced to sit at a desk for eight or more hours a day. Prolonged sitting can negatively affect your body in multiple ways, one of which is stressing your back. This is why it's a good idea to take standing breaks every half hour.

#3) Exercise

Of course, you can also protect your back from injury by exercising. Performing a combination of cardio and resistance training exercises will strengthen your core while subsequently reducing the risk of back injury.

#4) Improve Your Posture

Your posture will directly affect your back health, including whether or not you are susceptible to back injury. People who carry themselves with poor posture (e.g. slouch when walking) are more likely to develop back problems than their counterparts with good posture. So, be conscious of your posture and make corrections is needed.

#5) Listen to Your Body

If you feel back pain or discomfort, don't push yourself. Instead, rest and wait for the pain to subside. Even if this means taking a few days off work, it's important that you listen to your body; otherwise, you risk further and more severe injury.

#6) Warm Up Before Physical Activity

It's always a good idea to warm up before performing any physical activity. Whether you are lifting objects at work or preparing to exercise at the gym, take a few minutes to stretch your muscles. Doing so will improve your range of motion while reducing your risk of back injury.

Apr 3rd 2018

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