6 Safety Tips to Follow When Charging an Electric Vehicle

6 Safety Tips to Follow When Charging an Electric Vehicle

Do you drive an electric vehicle? Electric vehicles have become increasingly common. Research shows that there are now over 1 million electric vehicles in the United States. While their features vary, they all require charging. Electric vehicles are powered by rechargeable batteries. When charging your electric vehicle, though, you should follow these safety tips.

#1) Follow the Manufacturer's Guidelines

Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines when charging your electric vehicles. Electric vehicles come with an owner's manual. In this owner's manual, you can find guidelines on how to charge your electric vehicle. The manufacturer will reveal the type of charger to use so that you can safely charge your electric vehicle.

#2) Use a Dedicated Circuit for a Home Charger

You should use a dedicated circuit for a home charger. Home chargers, of course, are designed for use in residential homes (typically the garage of a residential home). There are home chargers and commercial chargers, the latter of which are available at charging stations throughout the United States. When installing a home charger in your home, you should place it on a dedicated circuit. No other appliances or devices should use the same circuit to which the home charger is connected.

#3) Avoid Using Extension Cords

Never use extension cords when charging your electric vehicle. Most extension cords aren't rated for electric vehicle charging purposes. If you use an extension cord, it may heat up to the point where it triggers a fire. Your owner's manual will probably state not to use an extension cord when charging your electric vehicle. Regardless, you should plug the charger directly into your electric vehicle without using any extension cords.

#4) Don't Run Charger Cable Under Rugs or Carpet

Another common mistake to avoid is running the charger cable under rugs or carpet. Even if you don't connect to an extension cord, the charger cable will still generate at least some heat.  Placing it under a rug or carpet will trap this heat. The heat won't be able to dissipate. As it builds up, all of the heat may ignite the rug or carpet under which it's placed.

#5) Inspect for Damage

Before charging your electric vehicle, inspect both the charger and the port for signs of damage. If you discover damage to either the charger or port, you shouldn't use it. Attempting to charge your electric vehicle with damaged equipment may result in a fire.

Feb 8th 2023

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