5 Work Habits to Improve Your Health

5 Work Habits to Improve Your Health

#1) Take the Stairs

If your job requires you to take the elevator, consider taking the stairs instead. Sure, it may take a little longer to reach your office, but the end results will prove well worth it. According to an article published by Duke University, climbing just two flights of stairs per day can lead to 6 pounds of weight loss over the course of a year, which is pretty impressive to say the least.

#2) Give Yourself a Break

Some people assume that working long hours will allow them to earn more money and live a happier a life. In reality, though, this tends to backfire by raising stress levels and hurting worker productivity. So, try to get into the habit of taking breaks on a regular basis. Studies have shown that human brain is designed to stay focused for just 90 minutes, at which point it needs a break to "reset."

#3) Stand Up

It's difficult to stay active when your job requires you to sit at a desk for eight hours each day. But the good news is that you can still increase your activity levels, even while you work, by standing and/or using a standing desk. Doing so will burn calories while keeping your metabolism levels high, which in turn prevents the otherwise problematic conditions associated with sedentary lifestyles. Of course, you'll want to talk with your boss beforehand to make sure standing is okay in your workplace.

#4) Pack Your Lunch

Why should you pack your lunch? Bringing your lunch from home reduces the temptation of picking up fast food. Many workers have a tendency to eat fast food several times a week during their lunch break. Over time, this takes a toll on their bodies and their health. To maintain good health, avoid the convenience of fast food and bring your lunch from home instead.

#5) Wake Up Earlier

According to a survey conducted by Christoph Randler, biologist and researcher, workers who wake early in the morning have more successful careers. This is because morning workers are more proactive than nighttime workers. In addition to being more productive, however, working early in the morning as opposed to late at night may yield certain health benefits as well, such as a lower risk of heart disease.

Apr 28th 2016

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