5 Ways to Soothe Aching Muscles

5 Ways to Soothe Aching Muscles

You can usually tell just how hard you worked by waiting until the following day. If your body is sore and muscles ache, it's usually a sign of physical exertion. This isn't necessarily bad, as it indicates you pushed yourself. However, aching muscles can be uncomfortable, which is why it's a good idea to soothe them. So, how exactly can you soothe your aching muscles?

#1) Cold Bath

Try taking a cold bath to soothe your aching muscles. Some people assume that hot water is more effective for this purpose, but the truth is warm temperatures promote further inflammation. Cold, however, has the opposite effect by reducing inflammation and its associated symptoms.

#2) Get a Massage

Another way to soothe aching muscles is to get a massage. Massage therapy has been used for centuries to reduce body pain, and even today it's practiced by millions of people throughout the world. When performed correctly, massage therapy increases blood flow and "works out" muscle knots.

#3) Essential Oils

Applying certain essential oils to your affected muscles can also soothe pain and discomfort. Some of the best oils for this purpose include peppermint, lavender, chamomile and marjoram. Simply rub the oil into the affected muscle and wait for it to work. Alternatively, you can use the oil in a diffuser, though this isn't an effective as the former method.

#4) Epsom Salts

Rather than taking a plain bath, try adding some Epsom salt to the water. Pour about one to two cups of Epsom salt into the water, wait for it to dissolve, and soak your body for at least 30 minutes. Since it contains magnesium sulfate, Epsom salt works to relax muscles and reduce inflammation.

#5) Rest

Of course, one of the most effective remedies for aching muscles is rest. Your muscles become sore when they are overworked. The soreness and aching is actually the result of small tears within your muscle fiber. As your body heals itself, however, these fibers will be repaired, at which point they'll be stronger than before. In order for this to happen, though, you need to rest while avoiding heavy lifting.

Jul 6th 2017

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