5 Ways to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

5 Ways to Improve Productivity in the Workplace

#1) Performance Rewards

What is a "performance reward" and how can it yield greater productivity in the workplace? A performance reward is exactly what it sounds like: an incentive based on the worker's performance. For a sales team, this may consist of selling 500 units per month, in which case the salesperson is rewarded with a cash or non-monetary reward.

#2) Eliminate Distractions

Distractions are among the most common productivity killers in the workplace. When a worker is distracted, he or she isn't able to invest their full energy into the work project at hand. This is why it's important for employers to eliminate distractions in the workplace. According to a study conducted by CareerBuilder, some of the biggest workplace distractions include cellphones/texting, the Internet, gossip, social media and meetings to name a few.

#3) Embrace Technology

This tip is somewhat of a no-brainer, but it's still worth mentioning that technology can be used to improve productivity in the workplace. Rather than forcing workers to manually lift and carry loads, for instance, perhaps employers can invest in forklifts or other heavy lift machines and equipment. Not only will this yield greater productivity, but it will also reduce the risk of injury among workers.

#4) Set Goals

A fourth way to improve productivity levels in the workplace is to set goals. Workers should have a clear understanding of what needs to be done in order to accomplish these goals. Unfortunately, far too many employers verbally announce their goals, but they fail to reinforce them throughout the workweek. If you plan on setting goals (and you should), make a visual representation of them using a poster board or similar material so workers will see exactly what needs to be done.

#5) Improve Safety

Last but certainly not least, employers should constantly be working to provide a safe environment for workers. When a worker becomes ill or injured, the entire company suffers as a result. You have to remember that workers who are sick or injured are unable to work; therefore, productivity levels decline. This is why employers should take extra precautions to protect workers against injury and illness.

Oct 13th 2015

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