5 Tips To Protect Yourself From The Flu

5 Tips To Protect Yourself From The Flu

According to Flu.gov, approximately 5-20% of all U.S. residents will catch the flu virus. While minor cases my only present a slight fever along with respiratory congestion, more severe cases can result in life-threatening complications. Regardless of your current age and health, you should take the necessary steps to protect yourself from the flu virus this season.

Tip #1) Get Vaccinated

This should come as no surprise to most people, but the single most important tip for protecting yourself from the flu virus is to get vaccinated. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that everyone over the age of 6 months get vaccinated. While vaccines won’t protect you from ALL strains of the flu, they’re modified each year to target the most common strains.

Tip #2) Wash Your Hands With Soap and Warm Water

Another important tip to protect yourself form the flu virus is to wash your hands several times a day using soap and warm water. You might be surprised to learn that a standard door knob has an estimated 2 million germs per square inch, some of ‘could’ be the flue virus. Washing your hands after touching door knobs, phones, magazines, etc. will help prevent the spread of germs.

Tip #3) Nutrition

Of course, nutrition plays a key role in the body’s ability to ward off illness. Individuals who base their diet around processed foods are more likely to catch the flu. Try to limit your intake of sodium, refined sugar and processed fats, and instead focus on fresh vegetables, fruit (oranges and applies are especially beneficial), and lean meats. This will give your immune system a boost, which in turn helps protect you from the flu virus.

Tip #4) Limit Public Gatherings

You don’t have to stay cooped up inside your home for 24 hours day, 7 days a week, but you should limit your exposure to large public gatherings. Whether it’s a music concert, speech, or just a convention, large public gatherings such as this can easily spread flu and cold viruses. If someone in the crowd has the flu virus and coughs, it can send the virus shooting through the air towards everyone else around them.

Tip #5) Seek Medical Help

In the event that you develop symptoms of the flu virus — fever, coughing, runny nose, congestion, body aches and weakness — you should schedule an appointment with your general practitioner. They’ll be able to professionally diagnose you with the flu, along with prescribing an antiviral drug to help shorten its duration.

Nov 13th 2013 Safety Jane

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