5 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

5 Tips to Build Muscle Fast

Can’t seem to build muscle mass no matter how much time you spend exercising? Well, you aren’t alone. Millions of men and women experience this very same problem. Conventional wisdom may lead you to believe that working out for longer periods of time will lead to bigger muscles, but this isn’t always true. So, if you’re struggling to build bigger muscles, consider the following workout tips.

#1) Lift Weights

There’s no other way around it. If you want to build muscle mass, you need to lift weights. Cardio is great for burning calories and fat, but it offers little-to-no benefit for building muscle mass. Lifting weights, however, is the perfect type of workout for building muscle mass. It creates micro-sized tears in your muscle tissue, allowing your body to rebuild the damaged tissue stronger than before.

#2) Rest…

Don’t underestimate the importance of resting. If you hit the gym six or seven days a week, your body won’t have the time it needs to repair the damaged tissue. As a result, you’ll experience small, slow gains – or no gains at all. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 48 hours between weightlifting sessions.

#3) Use Proper Form

One of the biggest workout mistakes is using the wrong form. Whether you’re performing bicep dumbbell curls, barbell chest presses, squats, kettlebell swings, etc., you need to use the right form for the respective workout; otherwise, you won’t experience any noticeable gains. If you need help correcting your form, don’t be afraid to ask someone at your gym for assistance.

#4) Protein and Complex Carbs

The two most important nutrients for building muscle mass is protein and complex carbohydrates. Therefore, you need to consume plenty of high-protein and high-carb foods in your diet, both before and after you work out. The key thing to remember, however, is that complex carbs offer the greatest benefit, not simple carbs. Complex carbs are digested more slowly; thus, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar.

#5) Follow a Schedule

Far too many people begin to work out, only to stop just a little while later. This, of course, isn’t going to help you achieve your fitness goals. If you want to build muscle mass, you need to stick with a schedule. In other words, determine on which days of the week you’ll work out and what exercises you’ll perform on those days. Once you’ve created a workout schedule, follow it.

Feb 19th 2018

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