5 Simple Dieting Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

5 Simple Dieting Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

Are you trying to lose weight? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 40% of all adults in the United States are overweight. It's disheartening when you step on the scales, only to discover that you are overweight. The good news, however, is that you can lose weight to achieve better health by following these five simple dieting tips.

#1) Skip the Soda

You can't expect to lose weight if you drink soda on a daily basis. Depending on the type, a single serving may pack up to 40 grams of processed sugar. All that table sugar will elevate your blood sugar levels while contributing to body fat in the process. To lose weight quickly, as well as effectively, you must skip the soda. Focus on drinking filtered water, instead.

#2) Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

Conventional wisdom may lead you to believe that skipping breakfast will facilitate weight loss. After all, that's one less meal, which means fewer consumed calories. The reality, however, is that eating breakfast can help you lose weight -- assuming you choose a nutritious breakfast. It supplies your body with nutrients to boost your metabolism, all while giving you long-lasting energy.

#3) Watch the Portion Size

When preparing meals, you should be conscious of your portion sizes. The bigger your portions, the more calories you'll consume. Unfortunately, average portion sizes have gradually increased over the years, which is believed to have contributed to the high rates of obesity. By shrinking your portions, you'll avoid the over-consumption of calories that could otherwise prevent you from losing weight.

#4) Eat More Slowly

Another dieting tip that can help you lose weight is to eat your food more slowly. It takes time for your body to feel the "fullness" of a meal after eating. By taking a little more time with your meals, you'll naturally consume less food, which may help you lose weight.

#5) Choose the Right Fats

Finally, you should choose the right type of fats. Some types of fats cause weight gain, whereas others can help you lose weight. Trans fats are the worst. Not only do they promote weight gain, but they also increase your risk of heart disease. Therefore, you should keep trans fats out of your diet. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, are good for your health. They help to clear out cholesterol in your arteries while also facilitating weight loss in the process.

Apr 30th 2020

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