5 Reasons You Shouldn't Skip Meals

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Skip Meals

How often do you skip meals? Whether you're trying to lose weight -- or if you were simply too busy -- you've probably skipped meals in the past. Some studies, in fact, show that over half of all U.S. adults skip at least one meal on a regular basis. While skipping meals may sound harmless, it can backfire in several ways. Below are five reasons you shouldn't skip meals.

#1) Slower Metabolism

Skipping meals will result in a slower metabolism. Metabolism, of course, encompasses all of the chemical processes that occur in your body. With a low metabolism level, you may struggle to lose weight. Metabolism and weight loss are closely connected. People who have a high metabolism level can easily lose weight and keep it off. People with a low metabolism level, on the other hand, may struggle to achieve a healthy weight.

#2) Less Energy

You'll have less energy if you skip meals. Energy comes from calories. Calories, of course, can come from carbohydrates, protein or fat. The bottom line is that you need to consume calories in the form of food to stay energized. Skipping just a single meal will result in substantially fewer calories, which can leave you feeling tired and fatigued.

#3) Trouble Sleeping

If you struggle to fall asleep at night, perhaps it's because you're skipping meals. Skipping meals -- particularly dinners during the evening -- will affect your insulin levels before bedtime. it will cause lower insulin levels. As a resul of your body's lower insulin levels, you may struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep. Millions of Americans experience sleep disorders. While sleep disorders often have a variety of risk factors, skipping meals can contribute to them.

#4) Increased Risk of Illness

Skipping meals can increase your risk of illness. It can suppress your immune system, for instance, by restricting your body of vitamins and other essential nutrients. Our immune systems require nutrients to defend against infectious illnesses. When skipping meals, your body may not get enough of these nutrients, in which case your immune system will become compromised.

#5) Digestive Distress

Another reason to avoid skipping meals involves the digestive system. Skipping meals can cause digestive distress, including abdominal pain, bloating, gas and more. If you experience any of these systems, it could be attributed to skipping meals. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes three meals per day may offer relief. Regardless, you shouldn't skip meals. Skipping meals can lead to a slower metabolism, less energy, trouble sleeping, increased risk of illness and digestive distress.

Mar 29th 2022

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