5 Essential Health Tips for Night Shift Workers

5 Essential Health Tips for Night Shift Workers

Do you regularly work night shifts? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), roughly 15 million Americans work night shifts. While working during the late night has its perks, it can take a toll on your health. It can interfere with your ability to get a good night's sleep while simultaneously increasing fatigue and stress levels. Fortunately, you can stay healthy when working night shifts by following these five tips.

#1) Follow a Routine

Following a routine will improve your health when working night shifts. When transitioning from day shifts to night shifts, may struggle to fall asleep simply because your body isn't used to this new schedule. By following a routine, you can acclimate your body to this new schedule. You'll be able to fall asleep, as well as stay asleep, more easily. In turn, you won't feel fatigued when it's time to begin your night shift.

#2) Black-Out Your Bedroom

You need to make your bedroom as dark as possible to get a good night's rest. As a night shift worker, you'll probably lie down to sleep while the sun is still out. As the sunlight beams through your bedroom's windows, it can make it difficult to fall asleep. A simple solution is to invest in black-out curtains. Black-out curtains are designed to block 99% or more of light, making them well worth the investment when working night shifts.

#3) Exercise

Another tip to improve your health when working night shifts is to exercise. You don't need a gym membership, nor do you need any special equipment. All you need to exercise is motivation. Just lace up your tennis shoes and go for a jog. Exercising for just 20 to 30 minutes per day will help drain your energy so that you fall asleep more quickly after finishing up your night shift.

#4) Eat the Right Foods

Along with exercise, eating the right foods can have a positive impact on your health. If your diet consists primarily of processed foods with a high caloric content and a low nutritional content, you may feel groggy when working. Choosing lean meats with lots of fresh vegetables, on the other hand, will energize you. At the time, a healthy diet will strengthen your immune system so that you are better protected against cold and flu viruses.

#5) Take Days Off

Don't underestimate the importance of taking days off. Working six or more consecutive nights can leave you feeling physically and mentally exhausted. When this occurs, your reaction times may decrease, thus increasing your risk of injury. Taking days off, however, gives your body an opportunity to rest and reset itself.

Dec 22nd 2020

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