5 Easy Ways to Motivate Your Workforce

5 Easy Ways to Motivate Your Workforce

Employees motivation, or lack thereof, plays a direct role in the business's productivity levels. When workers are driven and determined to complete a task, the company for which they work will reap the benefits of increased output. But how exactly can employers motivate their workforce?

Performance Incentives

One of the easiest ways to motivate a workforce is to offer some type of performance incentive in which workers are rewarded for going above and beyond the call of duty. This may include stock options, a bonus check, higher pay/salary, or even a gift card. They key thing to remember is that you want to attach these incentives to workers' performance, meaning workers should only receive them if they meet a certain performance criteria, such as generating 300 sales in a month.

Hold a Meeting

When was the last time you held an employee meeting? Whether you have a newsworthy announcement to make or not, holding regular meetings is a great way to motivate workers while boosting productivity levels. You can use this time to make a short inspirational speech, telling workers what needs to be done to accomplish your professional goals. And if public speeches isn't your thing, you can always hire a motivational speaker to take care of it for you.


Don't underestimate the motivational power of teamwork. Employers should encourage their workers to help one another, as this type of teamwork will prove beneficial in more ways than just one. Studies have shown that teams of workers have a greater satisfaction level than individual workers, helping to motivate them in the process. You can create some new tasks that are designed strictly for teams of workers.

Employee of The Month

There's a reason why so many companies have employee of the month program: because it works. Naming a single worker as "employee of the month" is a great way to motivate not only him or her, but the entire workforce as well. Other workers will take notice, stepping up their game so they'll be chosen the following month.

Don't Use Scare Tactics

When motivating your workforce, avoid the use of scare tactics. Some employers assume the most effective way to motivate workers is to threaten them with demotion, pay cuts, or other consequences. Nine out of ten times, however, scare tactics such as this backfire, causing workers to lose the drive and determination to work.

Jul 22nd 2015

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