5 Easy Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

5 Easy Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

How much work do you accomplish in a typical workday? According to a survey of 1,989 participants published on VoucherCloud, the average worker in the UK spent less than three hours "productively." You can boost your productivity in the workplace, however, by following the steps listed below.

Create a 'To Do' List

One simple tip that's guaranteed to have a positive impact on your productivity levels is to create a to do list. Basically, you want to create a list of all of your tasks before the actual day begins. This list will serve as a roadmap so to speak, guiding you through the workday while keeping you focused on the task at hand.

Take Breaks

It may sound counterproductive, but taking breaks throughout the workday can actually have a positive impact on your productivity. Some workers believe that skipping their breaks will allow them to accomplish more work, but in reality it has a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and remain focused. The bottom line is that you should take regular breaks throughout the workday to give your body and mind a time to "refresh." When you return, you'll feel more energized and motivated to accomplish the next task on your to do list.

Don't Be Afraid to Say 'No'

Many workers are reluctant to reject a task. In doing so, however, they end up taking on more work than they can accomplish, which subsequently has a negative impact on their productivity levels. If you are given a task that is simply impossible to accomplish, don't be afraid to decline. Accepting an impossible task is a sure-fire recipe for failure, as the time and energy invested into it could be spent towards other, more realistic tasks.

Sleep and Nutrition

Your health will play a major role in your ability to produce work. Workers who don't get enough sleep and/or fail to eat healthy diets will suffer from lower levels of productivity. This is why it's essential that you focus on a healthy diet and sleep schedule.

Eliminate Distractions

It should come as little-to-no surprise that distractions are among the leading causes of lost productivity in workplace. Whether it's social media, texting, gossip, etc., these seemingly harmless distractions can take a toll on workers' productivity, diverting their attention away from tasks. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, try eliminating any and all distractions from your surrounding working environment.

Feb 9th 2016

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