5 Common Weight Loss Myths You Shouldn't Believe

5 Common Weight Loss Myths You Shouldn't Believe

Losing weight isn't always easy. Research, in fact, shows that only about one in five people are successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Most of them fail because they take the wrong approach. They often fall victim to the following weight loss myths, which sends them down the wrong path.

#1) Diet Soda Promotes Weight Loss

Switching from regular soda to diet soda won't help you lose weight. While most varieties of diet soda don't contain any sugar, they typically contain a sugar substitute. Sugar substitutes are artificial sweeteners. When consumed, they have a similar effect as real sugar. Sugar substitutes will spike your body's insulin levels while potentially causing, rather than discouraging, weight.

#2) All Calories Are the Same

Another common weight loss myth is that all calories are the same. By definition, a calorie is a measurement of how much heat is needed to raise the temperature of water by approximately 1 degree Celsius. Calories, however, can come from different sources. Some of them come from sugar, whereas others come from fat or protein. Calories from sugar are considered "empty calories" because they don't offer any nutritional value.

#3) You Should Avoid Carbs

When trying to lose weight, you don't have to avoid carbs. Carbs are the main source of energy for most people. And like with calories, there are good carbs and bad carbs. Single carbs are typically the worst. Sugar is classified as a simple carb because it's quickly broken down and digested. Complex carbs are better because they take longer to break down and digest.

#4) Dietary Fat Causes Body Fat

Contrary to common belief, dietary fat doesn't necessarily cause body fat. Some types of dietary fat can contribute to body fat, but that doesn't mean you should avoid fat in your diet. Choosing the type of dietary fat can prove beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. Unsaturated fat, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease. You can find unsaturated fat such as this in olive oil, canola oil, nuts and fish.

#5) Fasting Is a Surefire Way to Lose Weight

Fasting is never a good idea. While you may shed some pounds from it, fasting will do more damage by disrtupting your body's metabolism. It will throw your body's mebaolism out of balance. As a result, you may regain the weight shortly thereafter. Instead of fasting, focus on increasing your physical activity levels and improving your diet.

Feb 3rd 2022

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