5 Common Weight Lifting Mistakes To Avoid

5 Common Weight Lifting Mistakes To Avoid

There's no faster or more efficient way to build bigger muscles than by lifting weights. Whether you're looking to build a stronger chest, arms, legs, core or all of the above, strength training with weights is the answer. It will continue to wear your body down so it rebuilds with more muscle mass. Unfortunately, many individuals take the wrong approach towards lifting weights, making them susceptible to injury. To learn 5 of the most common weight lifting mistakes, and why you should avoid them, keep reading.

Mistake #1) Bad Form

Arguably, one of the single most common weight lifting mistakes people tend to make us using bad form. Whether you're an amateur or experienced bodybuilder, I think most people have been guilty of this at some point. Using the wrong form might allow you to perform more reps, but ultimately it will increase your chance of injury.

Mistake #2) Not Allowing 48 Hours Rest

Some people are eager to hit the gym in full force each day of the week. While performing cardio 7 days a week is perfectly fine, you should allow at least 48 hours for rest and recovery in between strength training exercises. This will allow your body to rebuild the torn muscle fibers, which not only helps to increase your muscle mass, but it also protects you from injury.

Mistake #3) Not Using a Spotter

Are you lifting you bench pressing your limit without a spotter? If so, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to serious injury. It only take a second to find a spotter at your local gym, and doing so could mean the difference between a solid workout and a muscle strain or injury. If you're going to bench press close to your limit, find a spotter to watch over you.

Mistake #4) Not Stretching

A fourth mistake to avoid is not stretching before working out. Stretching is beneficial for a number of reasons; it improves blood flow, improves muscle elasticity, and reduces the chance of injury. You can perform a light stretching exercise by reaching your hands up to the ceiling, down to the floor, twisting your torso, and lunging your body forward.

Mistake #5) Biting Off More Than You Can

Last on our list of the top weight lifting mistakes to avoid is biting off more than you can chew. It's no secret that heavier weights translates into more muscle gain, but the human body has its own physical limits. Trying to force your body beyond these limits when it's not ready may result in a muscle strain.

Nov 5th 2013 Safety Joe

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